Charitable Support

The Company’s Charitable and Philanthropic works, and the City 

The City of London Corporation and Livery Companies are major charity donors and promoters of old and new traditional crafts, industries as well as key modern City services. Livery Companies have close working relationships, and cooperation is often achieved through Sport. the Feltmakers, for example, organise and run the Inter-Livery Tennis Competition at Queens Club annually.

Property and Assets have been acquired over the long history of the Company through legacies, donations and bequests (including property). This is effectively managed by fund management specialists within the Company and generates considerable income for charitable use. 

The Livery has a historic affiliation with Type 23 Destroyer HMS Lancaster, currently stationed in the Gulf, protecting shipping lanes and carrying out other important duties for the Navy. We support the Officers and Crew and their families and dependents, conduct visits to ships and naval support locations, and welcome senior officers to the Livery, as Honorary Feltmakers.

Our commitment to Charitable giving is fundamental. This has changed from simply giving cash donations, to active engagement and participation by our members, using their professional skills and talents which can help and assist our charities. Likewise, sometimes simply providing extra ‘pairs of hands’ is what a charity needs. This provides members of the Company with a good opportunity to work at grass roots level and to understand the fundamental needs of a charity organisation, it is also immensely fulfilling. 

Amongst many others, the Company supports Treloars College and Brain Tumour Research

The Company’s reach is global with a number of International relationships, especially the Swiss Guild of Weavers, the Zunft zur Waag. Our members visit them in Zurich and they visit us in London, we all appreciate the traditions and protocols of these exchanges and camaraderie.